[fpc-devel]Compiling problems\

Peter Vreman pfv at cooldown.demon.nl
Mon Dec 3 23:32:23 CET 2001

> That makew32.zip _WAS_ uploaded by Peter, after IIRC he applied some fixes
> of his own. I just tested them (and found out the PATH thingy), and put

The new makew32.zip should contain the original make.exe from mingw
without my changes.

> Today I experienced how accidents lead to inventions, I accidentally killed
> my binary directory, and had to restart from 1.0.4 and that makew32 (on a
> 2000 system)
> I found out that I also needed dlltool.exe from the latest mingw distro.
> Peter, should I add that to makew32.zip?

No, the file is already in asldw32.zip

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