[fpc-announce] Free Pascal Contributed units modified entry. (PTCPas)

contribs at freepascal.org contribs at freepascal.org
Wed May 3 15:06:40 CEST 2006

The following entry in the Free Pascal contributed units was modified:

Name         : PTCPas
Author       : Nikolay Nikolov
Email        : nickysn at users.sourceforge.net
Homepage     : http://ptcpas.sourceforge.net/
FTP site     : http://ptcpas.sourceforge.net/
Version      : 0.99.7
Date         : 2006-05-03
Category     : Graphics
Supported OS : windows, linux, *bsd, dos
Description  :
A Free Pascal port of the OpenPTC C++ library. Allows low-level high-speed graphics access on multiple platforms. Currently supports DirectX (on Windows), X11 (Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD...) and VBE1.2+ (on DOS, 'cause we all remember the good old days :) there's also various fakemodes support and mode13h and even text mode, that looks IMHO better than AAlib :) )
It also provides basic keyboard and mouse input and high-resolution timers.
Intended for games and demos.

Distributed under a modified LGPL.

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