[fpc-announce]Free Pascal Contributed units modified entry. (GWO 2)

contribs at freepascal.org contribs at freepascal.org
Sun Mar 18 14:39:12 CET 2001

The following entry in the Free Pascal contributed units was modified:

Name         : GWO 2
Author       : Peter Santing
Email        : peter at phibian.net
Homepage     : http://www.phibian.net
FTP site     : http://www.phibian.net/Downloads/g2rc210.zip
Version      : 2.1.0 RC
Date         : 18-02-01
Category     : Graphics
Supported OS : DOS Go32v2 and Windows 9x/Me
Description  :
Well, I have released version 2.1.0 of GWO (G2)<br>
it is fully functional but not yet documented<br>
but it has some examples to get you started..<br>
and three additional skins besided the default<br>
one (thus 4 skins/appearances)<br><br>
bug reports email to: <a href="mailto:peter at phibian.net">peter at phibian.net</a><br><br>

click on this lower link to see a screenshot:<br>
<a href="http://www.phibian.net/g2preview.jpg">Preview Image</a>
There is also a Windows 95/98/2000/Me version in
the make, the beta is already working<br>
nice and you can see a screenie by clicking<br>
the following link<br><br>
<a href="http://www.phibian.net/g2preview_win.jpg">Preview Image Windows</a>
Peter Out!<br>

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