[fpc-pascal] AT-SPI fpc compatible ?

Sven Barth pascaldragon at googlemail.com
Wed Jun 19 09:40:27 CEST 2013

Am 19.06.2013 00:12, schrieb Fred van Stappen:
> >then you'll need to write a wrapper around it which could
> >for example utilize the "-vq" option to display a message id in front of
> >each message the compiler writes.
> Hello everybody.
> I have finish the first part of sak (speecher assistive kit) for fpc.
> LCL and fpGUI are now totally "assistivilized".
> See here :
> >> http://fredvs.github.io/sak/
> Now i attack the biggest part, do fpc-self assistived.
Maybe you should now start a new thread for this, as it is still linked 
to the "Synchronize(dummyproc) with Linux" thread. ;)

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