[fpc-devel] Arm Thumb2 - Stellaris status

Geoffrey Barton mrb at periphon.net
Mon Aug 8 10:17:03 CEST 2011

On 7 Aug 2011, at 11:14, John Clymer wrote:

> Ok.  Give me a week or so (very hectic schedule right now...)  And I will see if I can't patch it up some. 

To save you some time perhaps, the following was for lm3s9b92 and rtl/embedded/arm/stellaris.pas; I only tested with that device:-

1	in cpuinfo.pas,  tcontrollertype should include,  ct_lm3s9b92 rather than stellaris
2	also  'stellaris' in controllerunitstr should be 'lm3s9b92

3	in compiler/systems/t_embed.pas add:-

      with linkres do
          Add('    flash : ORIGIN = 0x00000000, LENGTH = 256K');
          Add('    ram : ORIGIN = 0x20000000, LENGTH = 96K');
          Add('_stack_top = 0x20017FFC;');

I also found I needed to comment out the controller types other than stellaris in rtl/embedded/makefile.fpc.

Then remake make,and make the compiler.

> New to this - what is procedure to generate and submit patch set ?


but Florian did offer to integrate any updates himself :)

> Thanks !
> From: Florian Klämpfl <florian at freepascal.org>
> To: FPC developers' list <fpc-devel at lists.freepascal.org>
> Sent: Sun, August 7, 2011 12:15:02 AM
> Subject: Re: [fpc-devel] Arm Thumb2 - Stellaris status
> Am 06.08.2011 13:35, schrieb John Clymer:
> > Ok, maybe I'm missing something...
> > 
> > I can compile and get a binary for an STM32F103RE.  However, if I
> > attempt for the STELLARIS target, I get an error.  I see where the error
> > is coming from in t_embed.pas.  It looks like the t_embed.pas file is
> > missing linking information for the Stellaris.  
> Yes. arm embedded devices are only supported as far as somebody
> contributed the compiler and rtl support. Problem is: we don't have any
> chance to test it, so only users of these devices can contribute the
> support.
> > Can someone confirm this
> > is the case before I go on a wild chase changing things ?
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