[fpc-devel] patch to tdataset

Joost van der Sluis joost at cnoc.nl
Mon Apr 17 14:55:53 CEST 2006

On Sun, 2006-04-16 at 20:46 +0300, Alexandrov Alexandru wrote:
> added GetIndexDefs and InitFieldDefsFromFields,
> implemented Filed.GetIsIndexField.

Hmm.. Delphi (7) doesn't have the GetIndexDefs and
InitFieldDefsFromField functions?
And I don't see the use of the first function. From the second I can
imagine that it's usefull, but since it's not in Delphi, it should be
placed into a derrivate of TDataset? Or can you explain why it is
generally usefull?

And your TField.GetIsIndexField simply callse TDataset.GetIsIndexField,
which isn't implemented also...

And the patch also contains a GetStateFieldValue, which isn't there in
Delphi but it's usefull. Only you set FState directly, I should use
SetTempState, so that the controls are disabled. Or else all datasource-
controls will display the 'old' values from the fields, if I want to get
only one old-value...

And could you clean up your patch next time. So that all the lines which
only removes ome spaces are gone?


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