[fpc-devel]problems using other messagefiles

Jonas Maebe jonas at zeus.rug.ac.be
Tue May 8 19:02:09 CEST 2001

On donderdag, mei 3, 2001, at 03:17 , Jose A. Gómez wrote:

> Byt now I' ve changed the messagefile in ppc386.cfg to spanish, and now
> programs don't compile.
> :-(

That's because the Spanish message file is probably not synchronized
with the English one. If the utility msgdif is included with the compiler
(I don't know whether it's distributed with the releases), you should be
able to fix this by using

msgdif <msg_files_directory>\errore.msg <msg_file_directory>\errores.msg

and then set the generated new.msg as message file to use in your

If that utility isn't included, I can mail you the source and you can
compile it yourself (if you also installed the sources of the compiler,
it's in source/compiler/utils)


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