[fpc-devel]problems using other messagefiles

"Jose A. Gómez" joangoar at terra.es
Thu May 3 15:17:27 CEST 2001


I intalled fpc 1.0.4 win32 and I've got no problems compiling programs.

Byt now I' ve changed the messagefile in ppc386.cfg to spanish, and now 
programs don't compile.
--- Fichero ppc386.cfg ---
# path to the messagefile, not necessary anymore but can be used to override
# the default language
--- Fichero ppc386.cfg ---
The error:
C:ppdemo> ppc386 HELLO.PP
Free Pascal Compiler versión 1.0.4 [2000/12/30] para i386
Copyright (c) 1998-2000 por Florian Klaempfl
OS de destino: Win32 for i386
Compilando hello.pp Hello.pp(21,3) Fatal: No se puede abrir el ejecutable 

This problem is the same with other messagefiles, except English:
C:\pp\demo>ppc386 HELLO.PP
Free Pascal Compiler Version 1.0.4 [2000/12/30] für i386
Copyright (c) 1993-2000 Florian Klämpfl
Zielbetriebssystem: Win32 for i386
Kompiliere hello.pp
hello.pp(21,3) Fatal: Kann ausführbare Datei nicht öffnen: HELLO


any idea?

Jose A.

Jose A. Gomez
mailto: joangoar at terra.es
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