[fpc-pascal] Help getting started with FPC

Chris Kirkpatrick chris.kirkpatrick at doctors.org.uk
Fri Nov 30 20:14:05 CET 2007

I suggest you look at the FPC/Lazarus Wiki
for ideas to get you started.

It may be easier to start programmng using either the FPC IDE which 
comes with the FPC package, or the Lazarus IDE which can be used either 
to produce Windowed GUI applications or simple Pascal console-mode programs.

The FPC manuals at
contain a lot of information to get you going

You will find the FreePascal/Lazarus community very supportive, eg in 
this mailing list. I have very rarely seen the comment 'RTFM', though 
people very often offer links to suitable places to get information.

Hope this helps
Regards - Chris

Edward Kearns wrote:
> I am new to FPC, and can't get started. I have used Think Pascal, and 
> I seem to have quite a hurdle here. Someone else told me that I need 
> to start XCode first. I did that, then I chose a template (FPC Carbon 
> Application 2.2.0). Then I didn't know how to enter code, so I opened 
> start.pas, entered some code, tried to do "build and run," "compile," 
> and none of these ran my simple code. what am I missing?
> Ed
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