[fpc-pascal] dis - Advantages of Pascal

Daniël Mantione daniel.mantione at freepascal.org
Fri Feb 23 08:28:30 CET 2007

Op Fri, 23 Feb 2007, schreef Neil Graham:

> Daniël Mantione wrote:
> > We've got a inline procdir? Or are you referring to macros?
> > 
> inline has the potential to do the trick but it's harder than something from a
> #include based
> system because with an include system the compiler actually gets to see the
> original code
> and can do a lot more.
> I do admit it appears I'm a bit behind the times since things have gotten
> better since last
> I looked.  The docs now say "As of version 2.0.2, inline works accross units."
> and
> barring the typo that's a great improvement.  Does it actually store object or
> source code for
> use across units?

Tree nodes. This is a machine representation of the Pascal source.

>  Transferring the source across allows optimizations with
> the surrounding code that may not otherwise be possible.

Indeed, more and more inline optimizations become possible nowadays.

> > There exists a Vector Pascal compiler. They basically extend the language
> > with features to do vector operations, allowing them to do
> > ground-breaking performance. The Vector Pascal extenstions are under our
> > consideration, however, we need the infrastructure in the compiler first.
> > Until then, take a look at Vector Pascal itself.
> > 
> I was unaware of Vector pascal.  Googling it is getting me broken links, not a
> good sign.

The site seems down indeed. I'd try again within a while.

> Any idea if it's possible to share units between fpc and vector pascal?

Vector Pascal is a compiler that does not focus on Borland compatibility. 
It does implement the critical Borland features though (like units). So, 
if you limit yourself to use basic language features, code exchange might 
be feasible.


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