[fpc-pascal] Free Pascal soom will land in Italy!

A.J. Venter ajventer at direqlearn.org
Thu Oct 7 12:47:17 CEST 2004

Okay, appology - I didn't look closely and thought this came from the lazarus 
mailing list. I'll leave it to the requester to decide if a lazarus app 
should also count as  kewl fpc app :)

On Thursday, 7 October 2004 12:40, A.J. Venter wrote:
> Am I allowed to punt my own apps ?
> How about direqcafe ?
> It's entirely written in lazarus, and is the most widely used thin-client
> internet cafe management tool available on Linux.
> http://akinimod.sf.net
> Ciao
> A.J.
A.J Venter
Lead Developer, DireqLearn 
082 726 5103

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