[fpc-other] Developer workflow with Ergodox

noreply at z505.com noreply at z505.com
Tue May 16 00:02:31 CEST 2017

On 2017-05-14 19:28, Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:
> On 2017-05-14 22:09, noreply at z505.com wrote:
>> Does it solve the Shift Key strains issue?
> Yes, you can reprogram the keyboard layout any way you want. Modifying
> a layout is very simple via code. And even if that is too much for
> you, there is visual web based layout designer that generates the .hex
> binary file for you.
> The possibilities with the Ergodox is endless. Just take a look at this 
> website.
>   https://implementsblog.com/2016/10/16/my-ergodox-ezs-custom-layout/
> The modifier keys are now long-press keys under the home row. I tried
> in recently, and it is amazingly good, and actually pretty easy to get
> used to. Finger travel is now near zero for modifiers. :)
> I also programmed the Enter and BackSpace keys for my index fingers -
> much stronger that your pinky!

I never use pinky for enter/return/backspace, I just move my whole hand 
up there and use middle finger (possibly some irony here.. Middle finger 
to the universe when I hit enter, middle finger to the entire internet.. 
except for the open source communities)

> You really should take a look at the "Programmer Dvorak" layout - if
> using a normal keyboard. And yes, you can program the Ergodox with
> that layout too.

Been meaning to try dvorak again one day, it's just that all laptops 
come shipped with a standard keyboard so I prefer to use a keyboard 
layout that is on any laptop, as if one laptop fails, you have to 
relearn the new laptop, so if everything is standard it is easier to 
relearn... and then there is the issue of using a computer at a library 
or friends computer .. if you keep using custom keyboards your brain 
gets FUBAR when it has to use a different computer.

I used to be a desktop man, using desktop only for development. Then I 
became a laptop man so I could sit in different places instead of being 
fixed in one location... Which I was okay with before, but not now.

Programming blues... Programming blues..

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