[fpc-other] [fpc-pascal] Google Code closing down

Martin Frb lazarus at mfriebe.de
Mon Mar 16 14:17:55 CET 2015

On 16/03/2015 12:53, Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:
> I fully understand that. I think the biggest resistance to migrating to
> git is the "distributed system" principle. That scares people. That is
> why I introduced the developers, at my previous employment, to git by
> simplifying things. I let them use a client/server workflow model. That
> seem to have helped them a lot, and get over that fear they had.

Actually there are other things:

Local commits (commit, without push) can be a huge advantage.
But the act that you need twice the commands to get your commit to the 
server can also be a turn off (Command line you can use a script / but 
with a GUI...).

Same for update.
  "svn up" is roughly equal to: stash, fetch and rebase (pull?), stash pop.
This is, if I want to update, and just be left with any merge conflicts 
in by local changes.
Sure Git offers me tons of choices here, and sometimes they are useful. 
But if I just want the equivalent of "svn up", then git is more work.

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