Re[2]: [fpc-other]reputation of Pascal

Ivan Montes
Wed, 5 Jun 2002 16:39:09 +0100

----- Original Message -----
From: "Paul Yanchenko" <>

> [....] I like pascal because I learned it
> first, but I have to look at C because there is many public sources
> and libs on C/C++. And I don't know how some tasks may be solved in
> pascal. For example, I don't know how can I made .VXD driver for
> windows. Main skate of C is that C - language for system programming.
> Also, C-compilers allows to build embedded applications and so on.
> Maybe pascal should go to system language?
Hi, first of all say that I'm happy to see such activity in fpc-other! I
thought I was the only one subscribed to it ;)

Pascal, C and Java among others are general purpose languages, so they are
capable of do almost everything in a computer, from OSs to CGI applications.
Recently I was discussing with some friends to start developing a video
game, the first point of argue was which language use C o Pascal. Every one
of us have a diferent predilection, I prefer Pascal, the other C and the
other C++. We couldn't decide which one use since everyone have its own good
and bad points. At the end we decided to develop it in the 3 languages and
then link them together. But the problem is that FPC is not able to use C++
libs so we've got to stick to C and Pascal :(
So if we want to make Pascal a good choice for commercial programming I
think that the first thing to do is the ability to use C++ libs.
If you only can do VxD with C, then do it in C but you can always have the
posibility to develop the app in Pascal.

Ciao, Ivan