[fpc-devel]Insisting on IDE

Pierre Muller pierre at idefix.wisa.be
Mon Mar 26 21:33:34 CEST 2001

At 13:56 26/03/01 -0300, you wrote:
>El Sáb 24 Mar 2001 21:08, escribiste:
>> > I found the source of the problem and
>> >hope that I fixed it.
>> >  I uploaded to ftp.freepascal.org a new FP IDE snapshot
>> >for linux.
>>   I forgot to tell you where !
>>   it is in /fpc/snapshot/linux dir
>I just downloaded 

No, the right file is a zip file,


Sorry, I forgot to tell you the name :(

>but the files in the tar file are dated 2000/12/18 and are the same size as 
>fp I've already got...
>>   If you want to test compilation with this IDE, you
>> will need to upload fpc10.zip from the source dir first
>> and compile the RTL with a v 1.0.4(or 5) ppc386
>> using the Makefiles included.
>I tryed to compile the ide from the cvs tree, but I need also tvision or 
>something like this that I don't have. Where can I find it?

  You can't compile the IDE because there is
no Freeware TVision clone available for now :(

  We are trying to create one, but this will take some time.

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