[fpc-devel] TFPHashList (Was: Alternative parsers)

Marco van de Voort marcov at stack.nl
Wed Oct 20 12:21:25 CEST 2010

In our previous episode, Alexander Klenin said:
> > shortstrings have another advantage over ansistrings. Of course, I
> > suspect that using ansistrings against shortstrings would be hardly
> > measurable in the compiler speed, but one hundred of such micro
> > optimizations might make the compiler twice as fast.
> All true. However, my main point was that all those micro-optimizations
> obfuscate the code.
> One day all this obfuscation may prevent some higher-level optimization,
> like multi-threading or built-in linking,

Major work like that is already always combined with major refactoring and
rewriting, so that is unlikely, and they touch totally different systems
(frontend vs backend)

> PChars, on the other hand, require manual memory management
> which is the source of bugs.

Point out the example of bugs. (ones that matter, not the stylistic ones)

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