[fpc-devel] cross-compiling (linux program from Win32 platform)

Ростислав Окулов ogldelphi at mail.ru
Tue Aug 2 11:30:31 CEST 2005

> > I have FPC source code, Win32 binary release, and linux binary release.
> > How can I build linux program from win32 platform?
> You need a cross-linker and cross-assembler binaries.
> - Then you must compile the linux RTL on windows:
>    cd rtl; make TARGET_OS=linux OPT=-FDc:\path\to\crossutils
> - when compiling your source code, specify the target -Tlinux
>    and add again -FDc:\path\to\crossutils
> - If you need to link to external libraries, you'll need copies of those
>    libraries on your Windows machine.
> I think there is somewhere a cross-compile FAQ, but I don't have an URL.
> Michael.

Thank you. I will try your advice =)

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