[Pas2js] Cannot build pas2js (on Windows)

Ondrej Pokorny lazarus at kluug.net
Wed Mar 6 15:57:13 CET 2024


sorry to bother but I am lost... I cannot build pas2js with the new 

I did everything as described on 

git clone https://gitlab.com/freepascal.org/fpc/pas2js.git pas2js
cd pas2js
git config --local pull.rebase true
git clone https://gitlab.com/freepascal.org/fpc/source.git compiler
cd compiler
git config --local pull.rebase true

make clean all output:

p:\software\pas2js>make clean all
process_begin: CreateProcess(NULL, pas2js.exe -iV, ...) failed.
./fpmake.exe clean --os=win32 --cpu=i386 -o -di386 
--compiler=p:/software/FPC/3.2.2/bin/i386-win32/ppc386.exe -bu
Warning: Removed non empty directory "bin\i386-win32"
./fpmake.exe compile --os=win32 --cpu=i386 -o -di386 
--compiler=p:/software/FPC/3.2.2/bin/i386-win32/ppc386.exe -bu
Start compiling package pas2js for target i386-win32.
Warning: Source file "pas2js.pp" from package pas2js not found for 
The installer encountered the following error:
Could not compile target pas2js from package pas2js
make: *** [all] Error 1


I see pas2js.pp in "pas2js\compiler\utils\pas2js\".

Anybody knows what I did wrong?


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