[Pas2js] Play MP3 audio

Mgr. Janusz Chmiel chmmmmmmmmm at gmail.com
Thu Sep 14 10:15:42 CEST 2023

I have very positive experience with The routine, which is being used by 
Michael. It is even possible to play live Internet radio streams. It is 
also very necessary to note, that build in todays WEB browser background 
routines allow users to use head phones with buttons to play or pause 
some playback, which is being play by using Javascript code and not only 
thhis kind of code.

In combination with Pas2jswidgets, whhich are allowing Pascal developer 
to use RAT rapid application development, it is really very easy and 
comfortable programmers task to develop some online WEB apps.

You can play on Android devices, on Chrome OS operating system aand on 
other operating system too.

The output sound quality also depend on available audio codecs.

Chome OS include high quality audio codecs by default.

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