[Pas2js] Is it possible to keep the text defined in html for a TWebWidget?

Luca Olivetti luca at ventoso.org
Fri Jul 7 16:53:24 CEST 2023

El 7/7/23 a les 15:42, Michael Van Canneyt ha escrit:
> On Fri, 7 Jul 2023, Luca Olivetti via Pas2js wrote:
>> Let's say I have this in the html
>> <button type="button" id="testbutton">Test</button>
>> and in code
>> MyButton:=TButtonWidget.Create(self);
>> MyButton.ElementID:='testbutton';
>> MyButton.Refresh;
>> This will remove the text from the button, unless I add 
>> MyButton.Text:='Test'.
>> Is there a way to keep the original text defined in the html?
>> This doesn't happen, e.g., with a TDivWidget or a  
>> TCheckboxInputWidget (they both keep the original content).
>> I'm using this version of pas2js
>> commit abaa86d44662735e31f1a93663f54152cfe334c0 (HEAD -> main, 
>> origin/main, origin/HEAD)
>> Author: Michaël Van Canneyt <michael at freepascal.org>
>> Date:   Wed Oct 5 11:04:23 2022 +0200
>>     * ApplyText introduced, properly get/set empty text
> There is currently no way. I'm open for suggestions.

OK, not a biggie, and I'd have no idea on how to implement it but...

> Maybe introduce a new value tmAsIs for textmode, and set textmode to tmAsIs
> as soon as ElementID is set to a non-empty value.

...I tried to follow the code and I cannot find how a TDivWidget 
preserves the content while a TButtonWidget nukes it (and, btw, I was 
wrong about the TCheckBoxInputWidget, since its caption has to be 
enclosed in a <label>).


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