[Pas2js] Pas2js Digest, Vol 64, Issue 3

Henrique Gottardi Werlang henriquewerlang at hotmail.com
Sun Dec 17 14:09:17 CET 2023

Yes, readed but, when a derivation is from a class, the implementation generated doesn't work.

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Sent: Sunday, December 17, 2023 8:00:01 AM
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Subject: Pas2js Digest, Vol 64, Issue 3

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Today's Topics:

   1. External class constructor inheritance (Henrique Gottardi Werlang)
   2. Re: External class constructor inheritance (Mattias Gaertner)


Message: 1
Date: Sat, 16 Dec 2023 12:16:50 +0000
From: Henrique Gottardi Werlang <henriquewerlang at hotmail.com>
To: "pas2js at lists.freepascal.org" <pas2js at lists.freepascal.org>
Subject: [Pas2js] External class constructor inheritance
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I need some help with one situation I have here. I created an sample:

unit Main;

{$modeswitch externalclass}


   TMyClass = class external name 'C'
     constructor New(ConstructorParam: Integer);

  TMyAnotherClass = class(TMyClass)
    constructor Create(ConstructorParam: Integer);


{ TMyAnotherClass }

constructor TMyAnotherClass.Create(ConstructorParam: Integer);


I need call the external class constructor from the Pascal class constructor. How do I do it?

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Message: 2
Date: Sat, 16 Dec 2023 14:56:23 +0100
From: Mattias Gaertner <nc-gaertnma at netcologne.de>
To: pas2js at lists.freepascal.org
Subject: Re: [Pas2js] External class constructor inheritance
Message-ID: <15969685-26a1-4a5c-8e65-be3dbbf4afac at netcologne.de>
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On 16.12.23 13:16, Henrique Gottardi Werlang via Pas2js wrote:
> Hello!
> I need some help with one situation I have here. I created an sample:
> unit Main;
> {$modeswitch externalclass}
> interface
> type
>     TMyClass = class external name 'C'
>     public
>       constructor New(ConstructorParam: Integer);
>     end;
>    TMyAnotherClass = class(TMyClass)
>    public
>      constructor Create(ConstructorParam: Integer);
>    end;
> implementation
> { TMyAnotherClass }
> constructor TMyAnotherClass.Create(ConstructorParam: Integer);
> begin
>    inherited;
> end;
> end.
> I need call the external class constructor from the Pascal class constructor. How do I do it?

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