[Pas2js] Help with ts2pas

Michael Van Canneyt michael at freepascal.org
Tue Jan 25 15:35:29 CET 2022

On Tue, 25 Jan 2022, Henrique Gottardi Werlang wrote:

> Hello!
> I need help installing and using ts2pas.
> I tried using FPCDeluxe, fpmake, fppkg, lazarus, etc. but did not succeed in using.
> In the sample folder has an HTML file, to convert the files, but on my machine does not work.
> I believe there is some CGI application running, but I don't know which project to use.
> Is there a manual somewhere that can help me with that?

see the fpc sources, packages/fcl-js/examples/convcgi.lpr

I must still document the usage in the WIKI.


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