[Pas2js] pas2js visual studio extension plea

Mgr. Janusz Chmiel janusz.chmiel at volny.cz
Fri Apr 30 15:55:21 CEST 2021

Dear specialists,
I have installed Visualstudio Code and latest stable pas2js extension and I do not know how to use it.
First of all, I have specified The paths for all necessary tools including pas2js path. But I do not know how to find the possibility to create new Pas2js project. Main menu contain only new file and there is no project sub menu. Visual studio have been made professionally by Microsoft to support screen readers. As A result, Visual studio code autodetect The presence of running screen reader and it configures automatically for it.
I have found pas2js project settings, but how to control The project?
Sure, I know, that I can not open existing Lazarus .lpi project files, I will be working with Visual studio code. But how to operate The visual studio so this extension Pas2js will be usable to create new project?
If I have setup all paths. It is necessary to specify full path with .exe app name, or giving only folders is enough?
Do I have to compile form creator in The pas2js tools or I only must specify pathto The folder?
Thank you very much for yours answers.
WWith kindnes regards.
Janusz Chmiel
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