[Pas2js] Post in TSQLDBRestDataset

Michael Van Canneyt michael at freepascal.org
Tue Apr 13 12:06:31 CEST 2021


Can you please provide a server stacktrace ? 
Because without that, there is little I can do to analyse the problem.


On Tue, 13 Apr 2021, Gabriele Cappelletto via Pas2js wrote:

> I made a few attempts, inserting a new record works, but editing and deleting give this result on the server:
> Exception 'EJSON'
> Duplicate object member: "error"
> Il 12/04/21 21:29, Michael Van Canneyt ha scritto:
>       On Mon, 12 Apr 2021, Gabriele Cappelletto via Pas2js wrote:
>             The test table is this:
>             (
>               ISO char(2) NOT NULL,
>               NAME varchar(80) NOT NULL,
>               NICENAME varchar(80) NOT NULL,
>               ISO3 char(3) DEFAULT NULL,
>               NUMCODE smallint,
>               PHONECODE smallint NOT NULL,
>             );
>             The database is firebird 2.5
>             In the server I wrote:
>             FDisp.ExposeDatabase(TIBConnectionDef.TypeName,'localhost','/var/tmpGabry/testrest.fdb','SYSDBA','masterkey',Nil,
>                        [foFilter,foInInsert,foInUpdate,foOrderByDesc]);
>             but it gives me the problem listed below. So then I wrote
>             FDisp.ExposeDatabase(TIBConnectionDef.TypeName,'localhost','/var/tmpGabry/testrest.fdb','SYSDBA','masterkey',Nil,
>                        [foFilter,foInInsert,foInUpdate,foOrderByDesc]);
>                 With FDisp.Schemas[0].Schema.Resources do
>                   begin
>             FindResourceByName('country').Fields.FindByFieldName('ISO').Options:=[foInKey,foInInsert,
>             foInUpdate,foRequired,foFilter,foOrderBy,foOrderByDesc];
>                     end;
>       That should be enough. The foInKey tells the server to use the field ISO as
>       the primary key.
>       Together with the client-side
>       FieldByname('ISO').ProviderFlags:=[pfInkey,pfInUpdate];
>       It should work. (you obviously need both)
>       A mechanism to set the client-side field properties based on server-side
>       metadadata (all data is available, after all) is still on my todo list...
>       Michael.
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