[Pas2js] some thoughts about htmlwidgets

Mgr. Janusz Chmiel janusz.chmiel at volny.cz
Sat Oct 10 12:04:13 CEST 2020

I think, that avoid errors with some screen syzes could be also overcomed by
reconstructing GUI logic.
For example. Instead of making 40 input boxes with A values, it would be
possible to create combobox wihch would contain every question to answer. So
I Am understanding The programmers reality well, even HTMLwidgets can be
used by totally blind programmer without issues of screen syzes, if
programmer will choose The right programmers approach when creating GUi by
using HTMlwidgets.
The similar could be right for Table. If I will not create too long tables
with too long lines, it could be also a good approarch.
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