[Pas2js] Using pas2js with Lazarus IDE

Mr Bee pak.lebah at yahoo.com
Sun Oct 4 15:52:22 CEST 2020

I had the compiler path set manually and hard coded (not using any IDE’s constants) into the Options input. Now it complains unable to find the system unit. Do I have to set it up manually too?
Lazarus has had pas2js with it since the beginning. Then the pas2js package should be able to setup all the paths automatically. It should have default values that works. If everything still need to be done manually, so what’s the point of installation package?
I know everything can be setup manually. But I’m about to explain how to use pas2js with Lazarus to some newbies in my local Pascal community. I don’t want them to mess around with the system, like setting PATH environment variable. Because that's supposed to be done by the IDE, right? I hope the pas2js installation process would be simple and straightforward, like other packages.

Thank you.

–Mr Bee

    Pada Minggu, 4 Oktober 2020 19.21.10 WIB, warleyalex via Pas2js <pas2js at lists.freepascal.org> menulis:  
 My best approach is:

To be able to work with pas2js, you need to inform the Pas2JS compiler to
the PATH. 
For WINDOWS: go to → System → Advanced Options → Environment Variables →

Change your Operating System PATH variable → Edit

Inform the the Path of pas2js you want to add →

Happy coding!

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