[Pas2js] Using pas2js with Lazarus IDE

Mr Bee pak.lebah at yahoo.com
Sun Oct 4 12:50:39 CEST 2020

> You need to set it in Tools ⭢ Settings ⭢  Environment ⭢  Pas2JS ⭢  "Path of pas2js.exe"

I know. It already contains "$MakeExe(IDE,pas2js)" value (without the double quotes, of course). Also other input boxes are already had its values as well.
I thought by installing pas2js package it will set it up automatically. If I have to change it, what is the value I have to fill into it? Doesn't it within FPC's bin folder?

–Mr Bee

    Pada Minggu, 4 Oktober 2020 17.37.52 WIB, Sven Barth via Pas2js <pas2js at lists.freepascal.org> menulis:  
  Am 04.10.2020 um 11:07 schrieb Mr Bee via Pas2js:
  I've installed pas2js package in Lazarus. Now I could start a pas2js project using provided template and dialog. But everytime I compile a project, it complains unable to find pas2js compiler. Screenshot attached. 
  So, how to install pas2js correctly so I could use Lazarus to write pas2js projects? Is there any additional setting or specific file? 
 You need to set it in Tools -> Settings -> Environment -> Pas2JS -> "Path of pas2js.exe"
Pas2js maillist  -  Pas2js at lists.freepascal.org
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