[Pas2js] plea for simple code which show text in web page notification area

Michael Van Canneyt michael at freepascal.org
Fri Oct 2 23:05:56 CEST 2020

On Fri, 2 Oct 2020, Mgr. Janusz Chmiel wrote:

> WEB notification area is being videly used by many modern pages. This
> approach could be even used to inform user if some question have been
> answerred correctly with no need to add some text as A first line of textual
> block or with no need to use windowalerd procedure.
> The question is, if somebody kind in this mailing list would be so positive
> and kind and if this human being would have some time to create simple .lpr
> file which used htmlwidgets unit to display some text in The WEB
> notification area?

Please have a look at the TToastManager component in the bootstrapwidgets
unit. It shows a 'notification' also known as a toast. It is demonstrated in
the demo program.

To show a notification in the tray area requires 
a) user permission
b) a HTTPs server.

See e.g.

so I would advise against using that for simple message display.


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