[Pas2js] How to contribute

Michael Van Canneyt michael at freepascal.org
Wed Jul 22 08:13:38 CEST 2020

On Tue, 21 Jul 2020, ATS wrote:

> Hi, I’m Henrique and I want to send some contribution foi Delphi integration os Pas2JS, how I do this?

Please define "Delphi integration" ?

Are you doing something similar to what TMS Web core is providing ?

The best way is to provide patches in the bugtracker.
Try to keep patches small, so we can assess the impact more easily

I suppose it was your huge patch (which changes the compiler mode) that I refused to apply ?
If so: If you want to change a lot or do something
really invasive, please discuss here first.


PS. Try to use the correct address when posting to the list:

You are subscribed with luiz.henrique at atslogistica.com
You posted with henrique.werlang at atslogistica.com (I assume this is the same
person). I had to moderate the message to let it through.

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