[Pas2js] Please would somebody repairThemistakeinsideThesourcecode???

Mgr. Janusz Chmiel janusz.chmiel at volny.cz
Wed Dec 16 15:13:00 CET 2020

My goal is to prepare several online memory based tests based on various questionaires. Those online interactive forms with questions are very good for all people, who would train their memory. Especially acters are very often remembered by a older people, because TV was very often a part of their lifes.
Sure. Pictures of The acters would be better, but I do not see and there would be A copyright issue. But names, first names and sur names are not illegal. And because Microsoft is so generous corporation, I would like to host The pages and sources on Github. Because my brain is not so smart, I would only be able to extend The code of somebody else by adding various questions and answers by using copy and paste operations and text editing.
I know, not very good idea, because it would be much more better, if I would simply create my own code from scratch.
So I Am writing you A right.

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