[Pas2js] Call functions from other JS file

Michael Van Canneyt michael at freepascal.org
Sat Dec 12 10:57:49 CET 2020

On Fri, 11 Dec 2020, imperyal wrote:

> Hello,
> Probably a very basic thing...
> How can I call a function defined on pascal, from normal js code?

First, the rtl.run() fnuction must have been called exactly once. 
This does some housekeeping, for example it runs the initialization 
section. After this, the pascal functions are available as


So for example


You can also call functions defined in the main program:

or run the main program again:


One of the thngs on the roadmap is lobrary support and Javascipt modules,
this will make things simpler.

but for the moment, the above will work.


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