[Pas2js] how to get text content from TTextInputWidget

Mgr. Janusz Chmiel janusz.chmiel at volny.cz
Fri Aug 28 21:39:14 CEST 2020

I have big plea. How to get content of TTextInputWidget?
And where to put The instruction to get it? Should I type The code after
last line which will refresh The whole page, so after last create widget on

Or The code should be always added to The following block of code?

Application : TMyApplication;

I AM very sorry, but long units are not easy for Me to analyse all functions
and procedures on Then. Lazarus do not offer hot key to jump between
procedures and functions. Sure, I can use CTRL+F and F3 key for repeated
search. But it is not easy.
Thank you for yours advice. Thanks to yours unit, I Am more and more close
to my goal. Sure, I will also recode my too long code, it will also save
Javascriptinterpreter work.

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