[Pas2js] how many input fields can be created by using TTextInputWidget;

Mgr. Janusz Chmiel janusz.chmiel at volny.cz
Fri Aug 28 16:41:40 CEST 2020

Oh I Am very sorry. You have given Me a GOod advice how to simplify my code.
I have Pascal from 1985 on my memory, and this is The reason, why I do not
know modern compiler features such as dynamic arrays. Thank you for yours
As I can find out yours HTMLwidget in action, it is perfect tool. In fact,
it even allow developer to create WEB page, form and Pascal commands allow
him to work with information collected from various widgets.
I Am very very nicely impressed. And Pas2js and yours unit is giving my
little development activities A good sense. Because I can try The code. I Am
using Lazarus and Pas2js component package and Pas2js compiler with yours
units and really. I have very positive feelings from it.
It is even possible to specify The table allingment. Table name, ETC. 

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