[Pas2js] is it possible to create GUi with no need to manually add the code to .html page

Mgr. Janusz Chmiel janusz.chmiel at volny.cz
Mon Aug 24 19:06:41 CEST 2020

Oh good example and thank you. My goal is to directly add Webvidgets with no
need to add The data to .html. But please, if you would have some time.
COuld you send Me The whole source code? I have tried to add it but I Am
getting errors. And Public command which declare 
do not work.
So yours other code do not work for Me. Yours Pascal knowledge is
outstanding, but my are not so good.
Thank you very much for yours patience. It could be next demo for Webvidgets
not only test demos, but demo, which will show button with text. 
Is it also possible to create editable input boxes with webelemnts, which
can recieve input? When I will have button, input boxes which could have
some label so user will know which data should user enter, it will be
excellent. And I will create case blocks of if /then block without issues.

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