[Pas2js] Fw: where to copy Pas2js units to get it work from lazarus

Mgr. Janusz Chmiel janusz.chmiel at volny.cz
Sun Aug 23 23:09:19 CEST 2020

Unusable project mean.
That when I open .lpi project from Windows Explorer, Lazarus ask Me, if I
want to open The file as a project or as a XML file. I choose as A project.
But after that, Lazarus do not load source file. And ctrl+F9 do not work. I
AM getting error, source main file not found.
So it is impossible to simply use some of available demo examples. I would
had to create project new project by using new project wizard. And I would
had to manually add some files to it. But existing .lpi files can not be
opened successfully.
May be, that trunk release of Lazarus solve it. But I can perfectly open
standard Lazarus FPC compiler based projects.
I Am experiencing only issues with pas2js .lpi project files.
I will try to open previously created .lpi files which have been created by
Me by using new project wizard.

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