[Pas2js] iinndexedDB API TJSIDBObectStore.get() No 2.....Help!!!

Pedro Pablo Oviedo Vera verakuba13 at gmail.com
Fri Sep 20 17:20:04 CEST 2019

yes,I fighting even with inndexedDB API javaScript....I trying get data
from database...look I did:

fSolicAlmMostrar           := fTransAlmacMostrar.get(gInfo.clave);
fSolicAlmMostrar.onsuccess := @MostrarLista;

function MostrarLista(aEvent: TEventListenerEvent):Boolean;
      fResult : TJSEventTarget;

       fResult := aEvent.Target;

      gCajaDatos.innerHTML:='<div>'+ TInfo(fResult).clave +'--'+
 TInfo(fResult).texto +'----'+ TInfo(fResult).anno+'</div>';


but it does not compiles!!!!
I really dont know how can I recover the resulting data from an operation
I thinking the point is how capture the correct value returning from this
operation...or not?...any help please?

Thanks a lot!


MSc. Ing. Pedro Pablo Oviedo Vera
Dirección Técnica y Desarrollo
Empresa de Proyectos e Ingeniería del
Ministerio de la Agricultura.ENPA.
Boyeros y Conill, Piso 10 Edif MINAG
Telef. 884 7197
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