[Pas2js] Testing generics

Mattias Gaertner nc-gaertnma at netcologne.de
Sun Oct 27 22:39:20 CET 2019

On 26.10.19 14:03, warleyalex via Pas2js wrote:
> Another thing is:
> I would like to create a procedure, e.g. a list of people, without the use
> of generics; and another with the use of generics.
> ---// CODE -----------------
> uses
>    JS, Classes, SysUtils, Web, Types, Math, TypInfo,
>    generics.collections, generics.defaults, generics.strings;
>    {$mode objfpc}
> type
>    TPerson = class
>    private
>      FNome: String;
>      procedure SetNome(const Value: String);
>    public
>      property Nome: String read FNome write SetNome;
>    end;
> { TPerson }
> procedure TPerson.SetNome(const Value: String);
> begin
>    FNome := Value;
> end;
> procedure PersonWithoutGenerics;
> var
>    LListaPessoa: TList; //--> Error: Generics without specialization cannot
> be used as a type for a variable
> begin
> end;
> procedure PersonWithGenerics;
> var
>    LListaPessoas: specialize TList<TPerson>;
> begin
> //-----------------
> The problem is that the compiler shows:
> Error: Generics without specialization cannot be used as a type for a
> variable



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