[Pas2js] Testing generics

Pedro Pablo Oviedo Vera verakuba13 at gmail.com
Tue Oct 22 14:20:20 CEST 2019

excuse me....but I'm no sure ...is it true pas2js already has anonymous
method support ?

Thank a lot!

El lun., 21 oct. 2019 a las 22:22, warleyalex via Pas2js (<
pas2js at lists.freepascal.org>) escribió:

> generic function Min<T>(const A, B: T): T;
> begin
>   if A < B then
>     Result := A else
>     Result := B;
> end;
> begin
> // it compiles/worked as expected
>   specialize Min<Integer>(1, 0);     // Min (1, 0):  0
>   specialize Min<Single>(3.14, 5);  //Min (3.14, 5):  3.14
>   specialize Min<string>('a', 'b');     //Min ("a", "b"):  a
> (* but we can not compile the following: *)
>   WriteLn('Min (1, 0): ', specialize Min<Integer>(1, 0));
>   WriteLn('Min (3.14, 5): ', specialize Min<Single>(3.14, 5));
>   WriteLn('Min (''a'', ''b''): ', specialize Min<string>('a', 'b'));
> end;
> projGenericsA.lpr(29,41) Error: not yet implemented:
> TInlineSpecializeExpr:TInlineSpecializeExpr [20170306102158]
> --
> Sent from: http://pas2js.38893.n8.nabble.com/
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MSc. Ing. Pedro Pablo Oviedo Vera
Dirección Técnica y Desarrollo
Empresa de Proyectos e Ingeniería del
Ministerio de la Agricultura.ENPA.
Boyeros y Conill, Piso 10 Edif MINAG
Telef. 884 7197
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