[Pas2js] Testing generics

Mattias Gaertner nc-gaertnma at netcologne.de
Sat Oct 19 00:16:19 CEST 2019

On Fri, 18 Oct 2019 14:12:04 -0700 (MST)
warleyalex via Pas2js <pas2js at lists.freepascal.org> wrote:

> Test I: test OK
> Test II --> this test fail :(
> =====
>   {$mode delphi}
> uses
>   JS, Classes, SysUtils, Web, Types, Math,
>   generics.collections, generics.defaults, generics.strings;
> type
>   TDoubleIntegerArray = array of TIntegerDynArray;
> procedure PrintMatrix(A: TDoubleIntegerArray);
> var
>   i, j: Integer;
> begin
>   for i := Low(A) to High(A) do
>   begin
>     for j := Low(A[0]) to High(A[0]) do
>       Write(A[i, j]: 3, ' ');
>     Writeln;
>   end;
>   Writeln; Writeln;
> end;
> function CustomCompare_1(constref Left, Right: TIntegerDynArray):
> Integer; begin
>   Result := TCompare.Integer(Right[0], Left[0]);
> end;
> function CustomCompare_2(constref Left, Right: TIntegerDynArray):
> Integer; var
>   i: Integer;
> begin
>   i := 0;
>   repeat
>     Result := TCompare.Integer(Right[i], Left[i]);
>     Inc(i);
>   until ((Result <> 0) or (i = Length(Left)));
> end;
> function CustomCompare1(const Left, Right: TIntegerDynArray): Integer;
> begin
>   Result := Right[0] - Left[0];
> end;
> function CustomCompare2(const Left, Right: TIntegerDynArray): Integer;
> var
>   i: Integer;
> begin
>   i := 0;
>   repeat
>     Result := Right[i] - Left[i]; 
>     Inc(i);
>   until ((Result <> 0) or (i = Length(Left)));
> end;
> var
>   A: TDoubleIntegerArray;
>   FoundIndex: Integer;
>   i, j: Integer;
> begin
>   WriteLn('Working with TArray - a two-dimensional integer array');
>   WriteLn;
>   // Fill integer array with random numbers [1 .. 50]
>   SetLength(A, 4, 7);
>   Random;
> //  Randomize;
>   for i := Low(A) to High(A) do
>     for j := Low(A[0]) to High(A[0]) do
>       A[i, j] := Math.RandomRange(1, 50);
>   // Equate some of the elements for further "cascade" sorting
>   A[1, 0] := A[0, 0];
>   A[2, 0] := A[0, 0];
>   A[1, 1] := A[0, 1];
>   // Print out what happened
>   Writeln('The original array:');
>   PrintMatrix(A);
>   // ! pas2js don't support anonymous methods yet
>   // Sort descending 1st column, with cutom comparer_1
>   TArrayHelper<TIntegerDynArray>.Sort(A,
> TComparer<TIntegerDynArray>.Construct(@CustomCompare1));
>   Writeln('Descending in column 1:');
>   PrintMatrix(A);
>   // Sort descending 1st column "cascade" -
>   // If the line items are equal, compare neighboring
>   TArrayHelper<TIntegerDynArray>.Sort(A,
> TComparer<TIntegerDynArray>.Construct(@CustomCompare2));
>   Writeln('Cascade sorting, starting from the 1st column:');
>   PrintMatrix(A);       
> //--------------------------------------------------------------------
> // This pas2js project compiles but we have this output error:

After changing constref to const I get:
test1.pas(32,13) Error: identifier not found "TCompare"


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