[Pas2js] Testing generics

Michael Van Canneyt michael at freepascal.org
Thu Oct 17 23:48:38 CEST 2019

Hm. I am amazed and pleasantly surprised.

Do you ever sleep ?

You're much farther than I expected. The todo list is actually quite short.

3 questions:
1. Should we notify Bruno or do you think it is better to wait ?
   He asked about progress on the phone yesterday, I said I'd investigate
   but I think the answer is now quite clear, so not much investigation is needed.
2. Do you think the fgl unit can be ported ?
3. I saw you created simple version of some generics routines. Do you think
    it is already possible to port the rtl-generics units ?
    TMS Software and wagner Landgraf in particular use these units.

In each case, congratulations on the huge progress you made !


On Thu, 17 Oct 2019, Mattias Gaertner via Pas2js wrote:

> Hi,
> pas2js trunk now supports generics.
> Here is a list of features, what should work and what not:
> https://wiki.lazarus.freepascal.org/pas2js_Generics
> As demonstration I added the generic TList<T> in the rtl units:
> generics.collections.pas
> generics.defaults.pas
> generics.strings.pas
> Now I'm searching some brave adventurers to test this alpha feature and
> report bugs.
> Mattias
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