[Pas2js] TJSIDBObjectStore.add() not working with a recordtype variable.....

Pedro Pablo Oviedo Vera verakuba13 at gmail.com
Wed Oct 2 20:36:55 CEST 2019

just this??!!!!....ok let's go!!

Thanks a lot!!!!

El mié., 2 oct. 2019 a las 12:46, Michael Van Canneyt (<
michael at freepascal.org>) escribió:

> On Wed, 2 Oct 2019, Pedro Pablo Oviedo Vera wrote:
> > Yes, you all right!...I am try it ....my problem :
> > ...for example...I declare >>>>>
> > type
> >  gsolicitud    : TJSIDBOpenDBRequest;
> >   gMyDB       : TIDBDatabase;
> >
> > function fOpenDB(aEvent: TEventlistenerEvent): Boolean;
> > begin
> > (* inside event handler I need get params retorned from request   *)
> > gMyDB  := aEvent.target; <==== but this does not works for me
> You must typecast this, this is always so.
> Just like in Delphi/FPC the Sender :TObject is used as a generic sender,
> event.target is also very generic. So you must always do
> gMyDB  := TIDBDatabase(aEvent.target);
> That is normal.
> Michael.
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MSc. Ing. Pedro Pablo Oviedo Vera
Dirección Técnica y Desarrollo
Empresa de Proyectos e Ingeniería del
Ministerio de la Agricultura.ENPA.
Boyeros y Conill, Piso 10 Edif MINAG
Telef. 884 7197
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