[Pas2js] TJSIDBObjectStore.add() not working with a recordtype variable.....

Pedro Pablo Oviedo Vera verakuba13 at gmail.com
Wed Oct 2 17:32:21 CEST 2019

Yes, you all right!...I am try it ....my problem :
...for example...I declare >>>>>
  gsolicitud    : TJSIDBOpenDBRequest;
   gMyDB       : TIDBDatabase;

function fOpenDB(aEvent: TEventlistenerEvent): Boolean;
(* inside event handler I need get params retorned from request   *)
gMyDB  := aEvent.target; <==== but this does not works for me
gMyDB  := gsolicitud.resultAsDatabase; <==== so I must try this !!! :-( but
it is not correct!

  gsolicitud  := Window.indexedDB.open(gDBName,4);   <<<< I requesting for
this event
  gsolicitud.onsuccess := @fOpenDB;                            <<< and set
this function to handles this event

When I go to the event handler function I try get params returned through
aEvent.target (  gMyDB  := aEvent.target;  ) but compiler tells type
missmacthed!, then I just try solve it do some thing like this ( gMyDB  :=
gsolicitud.resultAsDatabase; )....it is not just in this case ...it happend
to me always that I need recover a param inside of an event handler
function...so if some one has an answer about it please illustrate

El sáb., 21 sept. 2019 a las 12:17, Michael Van Canneyt (<
michael at freepascal.org>) escribió:

> On Fri, 20 Sep 2019, Pedro Pablo Oviedo Vera wrote:
> > Hello people!,
> > Im facing this problem:
> >
> > var
> >  fTransPeliculas: TJSIDBTransaction;
> >  fTransAlmacen  : TJSIDBObjectStore;
> >  fSolicitud     : TJSIDBRequest;
> > begin
> >
> >  (......)
> >
> >  fTransPeliculas   :=  gMyDB.transaction(['peliculas'],'readwrite');
> >  fTransAlmacen     :=  fTransPeliculas.objectStore('peliculas');
> >
> >  gInfo.clave       :=  gedtClave.value;
> >  gInfo.anno        :=  gedtFecha.value;
> >  gInfo.texto       :=  gedtTexto.value;
> >
> >  fSolicitud        := fTransAlmacen.add(gInfo,'clave');
> >
> > but from browser consola I recieve the message:
> >       DataError: Data provided to an operation does not meet
> requirements.
> >
> > but when use this alternative....
> >  asm
> >     fSolicitud =
> >
> fTransAlmacen.add({id:$mod.gInfo.clave,nombre:$mod.gInfo.texto,fecha:$mod.gInfo.anno});
> >  end;
> >
> > everything works!!!!
> > perhaps fSolicitud        := fTransAlmacen.add(gInfo,'clave'); is
> > incorrepts ...then how it will be OK?
> first of all, you are doing things very differently
> - your asm code does not provide a key, your pascal code does.
> - the structure of the object you are saving is very different.
> Secondly, to know why it goes wrong, we need to know what is the
> definition of the
> object store.
> Maybe this answers your question:
> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/36016862/indexeddb-dataerror-data-provided-to-an-operation-does-not-meet-requirements
> Michael.
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MSc. Ing. Pedro Pablo Oviedo Vera
Dirección Técnica y Desarrollo
Empresa de Proyectos e Ingeniería del
Ministerio de la Agricultura.ENPA.
Boyeros y Conill, Piso 10 Edif MINAG
Telef. 884 7197
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