[fpc-pascal] What to do to get new users

Nikolay Nikolov nickysn at gmail.com
Wed Oct 16 16:18:01 CEST 2024

On 10/16/24 4:57 PM, Hairy Pixels via fpc-pascal wrote:
> On Oct 16, 2024 at 8:50:21 PM, Ștefan-Iulian Alecu via fpc-pascal 
> <fpc-pascal at lists.freepascal.org> wrote:
>> 4. a proper VSCode extension (we can include Vim and Emacs there too,
>> but the main focus is VSCode) with all the bells and whistles more
>> established extensions have. I know we would all want to stick to
>> Lazarus and we all know that VSCode is bloated, but we have to accept
>> the reality that people do use it and it is really popular. Survive,
>> adapt, overcome. :-) OmniPascal was a nice attempt, but it's dead and
>> also closed source;
>> 6. an independent language server (no, cutting Lazarus' guts doesn't
>> count, not until people can easily install precompiled versions) that
>> can be used with the VSCode extension;
> I have a language server I made and VSCode extension but it’s hard to 
> use and buggy (mainly because CodeTools) but for other reasons that 
> are my own fault. I never got the package working well enough to 
> download binaries and run smoothly. Personally I use Sublime Text but 
> I use VSCode for the debugger.

I have some interest in implementing a language server client in the fp 
console IDE, so I have some interest in helping with the language server 
as well. However, I'm quite busy with other projects right now, so I 
don't know when I'll have the time to work on that. Maybe in a few 
(6-12) months?

I also have some experience from my day job on making a VS Code 
extension for the Nim language (you can see my commits in the Nim 
language server here 
https://github.com/nim-lang/langserver/graphs/contributors and for the 
Nim VS code extension here https://github.com/nim-lang/vscode-nim) and I 
can definitely say VS Code is horrible crap. It's buggy as hell, new 
versions break API compatibility all the time and it makes it look like 
it's your language extension's fault.

 From my experience, the FPC community is lucky to have something as 
good and stable as Lazarus. The IDE experience for Nim in VS Code sucks 
so much and the only reason people tolerate it, is because, there's no 
alternative IDE for Nim at all.

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