[fpc-pascal] What to do to get new users

Graeme Geldenhuys mailinglists at geldenhuys.co.uk
Wed Nov 20 14:42:15 CET 2024

On 17/11/2024 17:48, Travis Siegel via fpc-pascal wrote:
>  I've done 
> searches on google, and asked on this list, and everything I can turn up 
> shows nothing as relates to building an FPC app with a GUI w/o using 
> some IDE or other.(mostly lazarus), so if you could kindly point me to 
> such resources, I'd love to see the

Alternative projects to Lazarus, but built with FPC:

* fpGUI: https://fpgui.sourceforge.net
* MSEide & MSEgui: https://github.com/mse-org/mseide-msegui

Animated GIF showing fpGUI's form designer in action (not using Lazarus
or LCL at all):

fpGUI themeing support, and some custom apps (last two screenshots):

Screenshots of apps included and written using fpGUI:

fpGUI's DocView help viewer, integrated with various IDEs:

AggPas software 2D rendering engine:

tiOPF - Database Persistence Framework, which supports VCL, LCL and
fpGUI. It also includes its own non-DB visual component layer (aka
Mediators), which uses the model-gui-mediator design pattern, to make
any standard components "object aware" with bidirectional updates.

This video is a bit dated, but MSEide & MSEgui in action:

All these have been around for 15+ years.

I believe there used to be a FPC wiki page listing these and many many
more like these.


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