[fpc-pascal] PTCGraph resolution detection

Nikolay Nikolov nickysn at gmail.com
Tue Mar 19 22:33:29 CET 2024

On 3/19/24 18:15, James Richters via fpc-pascal wrote:
> I am trying to compile a program that uses PTCGraph for Windows 64 
> bit, and it’s not behaving the same as it does on Win32.
> When I compile it for Win32, it is correctly detecting my monitor 
> resolutionI have a vertical monitor with a resolution of 1080x2560
> When I run the Win32 program I correctly get:
> Max resolution:1080x2560
> The 64bit version incorrectly produces:
> Max resolution:2160x3840
> I tried it on another computer with a 1280x1024 monitor and it 
> correctly identifies it on both versions.
> Below is the procedure that gets the monitor resolution.
> I am using the current trunk of FPC installed today.
> Does anyone have any idea why the 64bit version would work differently 
> than the 32bit version?
> James
No idea, but it does sound like a Windows issue to me. Or a video card 
driver issue? The API is the same. The mechanism for obtaining the list 
of resolutions is also the same. Perhaps Microsoft uses a fake 
DirectDraw shim in 64-bit Windows that presents a fake resolutions list, 
because they can? Perhaps it is an issue, related to the video card 
drivers? What are the video cards on the two machines that you have tested?


> Uses
> Windows,ptcgraph,ptccrt,crt,sysutils;
> Procedure WindowsGRAPHINIT;
> Var
> gd,gm:smallint;
> m: PModeInfo;
> graphinitialize,MaxX,MaxY:Integer;
> Begin
> Windowtitle:='ptcgraph';
> graphinitialize:=1234;
> MaxX:=0;
> MaxY:=0;
> m := QueryAdapterInfo;
> while m <> nil do
> begin
> If m^.MaxX+1>MaxX then
> MaxX:=m^.MaxX+1;
> If m^.MaxY+1>MaxY then
> MaxY:=m^.MaxY+1;
> m := m^.next;
> end;
> Writeln ('Max resolution:',MaxX,'x',MaxY);
> gd:=VESA;
> gm:=InstallUserMode(WindowXResolution,WindowYResolution,65536,1,10000,10000);
> If gm<0 Then
> Begin
> Writeln('Error Installing Graphics ',gm,' ',grapherrormsg(gm));
> Halt(70);
> End;
> PtcGraph.InitGraph(gd,gm,'');
> … snip …
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