[fpc-pascal] Read Field names from VMT

Amir at Aavani.net Amir at Aavani.net
Tue Jan 30 08:37:45 CET 2024

I am still struggling with this!

for i := 0 to vft^.Count - 1 do
        vfe := vft^.Field[i];
        Name := vfe^.Name;

        ChildTClass := vft^.ClassTab^.ClassRef[vfe^.TypeIndex - 1]^;
        ChildObj := ChildTClass.Create;
        TObject(Obj.FieldAddress(Name)^) := ChildObj;

Looks like "ChildTClass.ClassName" is correct but the constructor of the 
appropriate class is not being called.

On 1/22/24 23:05, Michael Van Canneyt via fpc-pascal wrote:
> On Mon, 22 Jan 2024, Amir--- via fpc-pascal wrote:
>>   Params := TParams.Create;
>>   WriteLn(Params.Int2.IntVal);
>>   WriteLn(TInteger(Params.FieldAddress('Int2')).IntVal);
>> The third line does not work (the zipped code is attached).
> It should be
> WriteLn(TInteger(Params.FieldAddress('Int2')^).IntVal);
> Terribly convoluted code, though...
> Michael.
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