[fpc-pascal] Need some advice

Luca Olivetti luca at ventoso.org
Wed Jan 24 21:34:16 CET 2024

El 24/1/24 a les 20:31, ppadilcdx via fpc-pascal ha escrit:
> Trying to use the fgl unit, specifically the TFPGMap.   Below is a 
> simple program I'm trying to compile; it gives me two errors:
> fgl.pp(1582,18) Error: Operator is not overloaded: "pair" < "pair"
> fgl.pp(1584,23) Error: Operator is not overloaded: "pair" > "pair"

add a {$Modeswitch advancedrecords} and use class operators

> program test;
> {$mode objfpc}
   {$modeswitch advancedrecords}
> uses
>    fgl;
> type
>     pair = record
>        x, y : integer;
         class operator < (a,b:pair):boolean;
         class operator > (a,b:pair):boolean;
>     end;

> operator < (a,b: pair) r:boolean;

    class operator pair.<(a,b:pair):boolean;

> begin
>     if a.x < a.y then
>        r := true
>     else
>        r := false;
> end;


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