[fpc-pascal] Incremental compiling not working in new version

Sven Barth pascaldragon at googlemail.com
Wed Dec 4 19:03:41 CET 2024

Michael Van Canneyt via fpc-pascal <fpc-pascal at lists.freepascal.org>
schrieb am Mi., 4. Dez. 2024, 18:24:

> >
> > @Michael: do you think you can take a look? I also got the feeling that
> it
> > tries to compile more while nothing changed than with 3.2.2, though I did
> > not yet have the time to nail this down more (or to compare it with the
> > pre-task code).
> Yes, this is still on my todo list. The main problem is to have a really
> minimal example that demonstrates the issue. (and with minimal I mean
> something that doesn't require half the packages or lazarus to be
> recompled...)

I don't know if you consider it more minimal, but compiling the compiler
seems to do the trick as well :P (though I haven't made sure whether it's
really the same issue yet)


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