[fpc-pascal] SeekEof issue & 2020 blog post by A Stolyarov

Tomas Hajny XHajT03 at hajny.biz
Mon Sep 11 11:50:55 CEST 2023

On 2023-09-11 11:08, Alexey Torgashin via fpc-pascal wrote:
> Translation of blog post http://www.stolyarov.info/node/290 from Ru to 
> En.
> Sep 6 2020.
> Author: Andrey Stolyarov, author of Ru books about programming.
> Q (reader): Judging by the state of the ticket, has success been 
> achieved?
> A (Stolyarov): To be honest, it's not clear - you'll have to pull out
> a snapshot and see. I really hope that this Tomas Hajny didn't
> understand what happens when you open a text stream and ended up not
> being able to do what he wanted to do -- cut off buffering for
> anything that isn't a file. If he succeeded, then "the victory has

"This Tomas Hajny" still believes that a user having a different opinion 
on a certain thing doesn't automatically prove that his different view 
is wrong. "This Tomas Hajny" tried to provide reasoning on his position 
- among others, "this Tomas Hajny" still values consistency among 
supported platforms and consideration of various use cases more than 
opinions of people only interested in their particular use case on one 
particular platform. "This Tomas Hajny" also sees that FPC RTL already 
provides variety of possibilities for achieving what the user having a 
different opinion intends to achieve. "This Tomas Hajny" understands 
that different people may differ in priorities of various arguments 
which is why he consulted the topic among the FPC core team. On top of 
that, "this Tomas Hajny" has by no means exclusive access to changing 
FPC RTL, i.e. any other member of the FPC core team may have decided to 
change the implementation according to preferences of the user having a 
different opinion.


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