[fpc-pascal] free pascal compiler on Linux Red Hat for target motorola 68k

Sven Barth pascaldragon at googlemail.com
Sat Oct 14 19:09:04 CEST 2023

LECUYER Philippe via fpc-pascal <fpc-pascal at lists.freepascal.org> schrieb
am Sa., 14. Okt. 2023, 15:16:

> Hi,
> I search a free pascal cross compiler (for host Linux Red hat 7.x and
> target Motorola 68k)
> I test the last 3.2.2 version but I doesn’t find the option for target
> Motorola 68k (fpc –help)
> It’s run when I compile an example (in examples directory) and execute on
> Linux RH 7.x but I want to produce the binary for 68k target.
> Thanks for helping me.

You need to build a suitable compiler. For this you download the source
(either 3.2.2 or the development version 3.3.1) and do a make:

make all CPU_TARGET=m68k OS_TARGET=linux BINUTILSPREFIX=<prefix>
FPMAKEOPT="-T <count>" - j <count>

Where <prefix> is the prefix of the binutils for 68k (as and ld, e.g.
m68k-linux-gnu-) and <count> is the number of CPU cores you have.

After that you do a

make install CPU_TARGET=m68k OS_TARGET=linux BINUTILSPREFIX=<prefix>

Depending on the destination path you need to do that as root.

There are further details, but I can't describe them right now, so don't
hesitate to ask if you have issues.

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